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This very well could be the umpteenth article you've read about the power of "loving yourself." Sometimes those articles leave us still questioning "but what do I actually do." It's easy to say "release all things that bind you," "forgive yourself," "find who you really are" and so on—and we agree, those things are important and they take time—but what physical actions can you take now that can help propel that process along? 

Sometimes "self-love" is served to a more feminine audience in the form of bubble baths, pedicures and yoga retreats, we've got 10 tips here that can be used by both women and men, that are simple, easy and can be every helpful. 

Here are 10 things you can do now to show yourself some love: 

Be mindful about your down time 
In the past few months, we've had a lot of time to do nothing. But that doesn't mean this should become your new normal. Allowing stagnant TV watching, scrolling on your phone and mindless online shopping to become a habitual part of your day, is not going to lead anywhere good. If you find yourself having some down time with nothing to do, notice that and tell yourself to go do something, whether it's taking a walk, cooking a tasty meal, contacting a friend or crossing something off your to-do list. Make the most of your down time and be productive with your day. 

Get Moving 
Try to fit in a little exercise in your day, everyday. "Exercise improves mental health by reducing anxiety, depression, and negative mood and by improving self-esteem and cognitive function. Exercise has also been found to alleviate symptoms such as low self-esteem and social withdrawal," according to NCBI. Find a workout that works for you and that you will actually enjoy doing. Not a gym person? Try a class, running somewhere scenic, rock climbing or anything physical that seems interesting to do (hint: sex is a great way to exercise). 

Clean up your newsfeed 
Things have gotten nasty on social media recently with everyone's different opinions and perspectives and the fight for who is right. All that negativity, arguing and shaming happening over your newsfeeds can actually be pretty toxic for your mindset. Go through your social media platforms and unfollow accounts that always seem to rain bad news, accounts that frustrate you and perhaps tempt you to get into unnecessary arguments in the comment section. Streamline what you see everyday on social media by choosing to follow accounts that inspire you, make you laugh and spark interest. 

Honor your masturbation 
When you have an orgasm, your body releases endorphins, which are hormones that block pain and make you feel good. Masturbation also helps you figure out what you like sexually. Where do you want to be touched? How much pressure feels good? How fast or slow? Learning how to have orgasms on your own can make it easier to have one with a partner, because you can tell or show them what feels good. Treat yourself to something that will help enhance your masturbation experience like a great naturally-derived lube or an amazing vibrator that gets you right in that spot. We love the eco-friendly, body-safe kinky toys and adornments that Organic Loven provides. They carry everything from the latest and best vibrators, anal plugs and BDSM ropes to vegan condoms, books and all-natural lubricants. 

Wear something that makes you feel great 
When you look good, you feel good and when you feel good, you shine! Wear something that gives you that sense of confidence, like you could own the room and can handle anything or talk to anyone. Whether it's a suit, a great shirt or a dress that hugs you just right, don't be afraid to wear what makes you feel hot. Play around in your closet and try things on and see how everything just naturally makes you feel. Then wear those things that you felt so good in. 

Spend time alone 
Sometimes you just need to recharge in peace and quiet—and that doesn't make you selfish. When we are alone with our thoughts, that is when we can clearly hear our own conscious and inner dialogue leading us to what is best for us without the biased opinion of other's around us. Taking some time for yourself to go on a drive, take a walk, go fishing, painting or whatever you like to do alone, is great for your mental health and will allow you to calm whatever anxieties you may have in a peaceful, mindful way. 

Invest in your relationships
While spending time alone is important, cherishing and investing the relationships you value is also a great way to love yourself. Spending time with your partner, children, friends and loved ones helps strengthen the relationship. It's really the little things that count; a phone call just to say hi, a card for no reason other than to show your appreciation, a surprise gift or outing, or any other way you can express your love for them will absolutely harbor better vibes and make things in your environment all the more sweeter. 

Identify your love language 
There are 5 love languages that most people seem to relate to in terms of how they want to receive love and how they project love onto others.  Depending on our individual personality types, we may feel loved differently than how our partners do. Understanding and decoding these different ways of showing love will help take the guesswork out of your partner’s expectations and needs. The five languages are: words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time and physical touch. 
CLICK HERE to take this quiz to find out what yours is!  

Try something weird 
Whether this applies to something in the bedroom or just something you've been wanting to try but have been afraid to, now is the time to lean into that. 
Do your research, figure out how to best go about it and then tackle it. If it's not something that you want to continue doing, at least you know you tried it. Taking risks and accomplishing things you thought you might never have is a great way to gain self-confidence and belief in yourself. 

Take nutrition seriously 
Your health is your wealth. Your body is the only body you have and you have to take care of it by nourishing it with whole, healthy, toxic-free foods. We aren't here to tell you about any specific diet to try, we'll leave that to you to figure out, but definitely adding more vegetables, fruits and unprocessed foods to your diet will help you manage weight, protect your immune system, maintain energy throughout the day and give you mental clarity. Learn what your body needs depending on your gender, age, weight, medical concerns and health history and then feed yourself natural foods that will help supplement your health. 

Hope these tips help you get started on the long journey that is "self love." 


